Shauna Morgan

Member du Yellowknife Nord

Circonscription électorale de Yellowknife Nord 

Shauna Morgan a été élue députée de la circonscription de Yellowknife Nord à la 20e Assemblée législative des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Mme Morgan est née et a grandi à Barrie, en Ontario. Elle habite maintenant depuis 15 ans à Yellowknife, où elle mène une vie dynamique, créative et éclectique dans la Vieille ville, au bord du Grand lac des Esclaves. Son engagement à l’égard de la fonction publique transparaît dans les deux mandats consécutifs qu’elle a effectués au sein du conseil municipal de Yellowknife, de 2015 à 2022. Elle y a occupé plusieurs postes essentiels, dont ceux de mairesse adjointe, de présidente du Comité de planification énergétique communautaire, et de présidente du Comité consultatif communautaire de Yellowknife sur l’itinérance. Titulaire d’un baccalauréat avec distinction en développement international et d’une maîtrise en affaires internationales, Mme Morgan s’est spécialisée dans le développement économique et politique des collectivités isolées ou autochtones à travers le monde. Elle a ainsi collaboré avec une association pacifique transculturelle locale aux Philippines de 2002 à 2003. Les travaux de recherche entrepris dans le cadre de sa maîtrise l’ont amenée à se plonger dans le monde des négociations entre les entreprises d’exploitation minière et les Premières Nations du Canada, et à se concentrer sur l’accès aux terres lors des tout premiers stades de ce type d’exploration. Au cours de ses 15 années à Yellowknife, Mme Morgan n’a cessé de prioriser le travail communautaire. Elle a également travaillé avec des cabinets de conseil privés et un groupe de réflexion sans but lucratif axé sur les énergies propres à titre de personne-ressource auprès des gouvernements et des collectivités autochtones des TNO. Ses contributions sont nombreuses : elle a participé à la planification de projets d’énergie renouvelable et d’initiatives favorisant le logement, elle a aidé à la mise en place de programmes transculturels de recherche et de surveillance environnementales, et elle a démêlé les complexités de plusieurs grands projets d’extraction des ressources naturelles. Mme Morgan a tiré parti de sa panoplie de compétences pour diversifier son horizon professionnel : alors qu’elle siégeait au conseil municipal, elle a tenu son propre studio de piano, a été éducatrice en milieu naturel auprès de Bushkids NWT, et a été membre à temps plein – pendant plusieurs années –des équipes de construction du château de glace et de sculpture sur neige. Elle a également travaillé dans le cadre de contrats de facilitation et de consultation. Active dans la communauté artistique, Mme Morgan accompagne au piano la chorale pour adultes Aurora Chorealis de Yellowknife ainsi que la chorale pour enfants Fireweed. Après avoir siégé au conseil d’administration de la Women’s Society de Yellowknife et avoir prêté main forte chaque semaine à la banque alimentaire Food Rescue, elle donne aujourd’hui de son temps au club de ski et aux services aux victimes de Yellowknife. L’esprit d’aventure de Mme Morgan témoigne de l’amour qu’elle porte aux terres du Nord : elle s’adonne à une foule d’activités en plein air, quelle que soit la saison, qu’il s’agisse du canot en eaux vives ou en eaux calmes, ou de la randonnée dans le parc national du Canada Auyuittuq ou le long du sentier Canol. Elle se passionne également pour le cyclotourisme, le vélo de montagne, le ski de fond et la chasse à l’orignal et au canard, qu’elle pratique en couple.


Member Shauna Morgan
Yellowknife North

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Boîte
Bureau de circonscription

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Whereas so this is Motion 1620(1), Appointment of Deputy Chairpersons of the Committee of the Whole.

WHEREAS Section 47(1) of the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act requires that there shall be two elected deputy chairpersons of the Committee of the Whole;

NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Hay River North, that the Member for Deh Cho, Sheryl Yakeleya; and, the Member for Sahtu, Daniel McNeely, are hereby chosen to be the deputy chairpersons of the Committee of the Whole.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So, then, in dealing with these nonprofits who have been providing the same basic social services in our communities year after year, often for decades, to what extent does the GNWT negotiate these contracts and the terms of reference for the funding contributions collaboratively with those nonprofits? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Premier, who is also the Minister for Executive and Indigenous Affairs. Does the government keep any inventory of contracts for essential social services and housing that are delivered by nonprofits in our communities?

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to reflect today on the problematic way that our government funds and works with nonprofit organizations who are providing essential social services. Yesterday in Committee of the Whole, I raised the urgent situation of the Spruce Bough supportive living housing facility where the nonprofit Yellowknife Women Society is housing and providing wraparound services for 26 people with complex medical needs and addictions issues.

Ever since this facility opened its doors in 2020 with capital funding support from the feds, it's been cobbling together shortterm operational...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 7)

So this is all great news. So my final question is, will the government commit to developing a policy on how such contracts will be developed collaboratively with stable multiyear funding attached for NGOs? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So that's great news. I'm also wondering does the government have a sense of how much turnover there is amongst the nonprofits who are actually taking on these contracts for essential social services and housing? So another way (audio) same question might be are there lots of different NGOs available and willing to take on these contracts, or is it the same ones over and over again doing this year after year consistently? If that makes sense. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 7)

I was saying there's a difference between throwing chunks of funding haphazardly for community events and throwing shortterm chunks of funding haphazardly to keep roofs over peoples' heads. And so I don't want to stand here and plead with the government to have a heart and please donate money to these heroic organizations because that's part of what got us into this mess thinking that we can just offer charity when we have extra money in our pockets. I'm asking this government to think practically about what services our residents expect and how we can make longer term plans to collaborate...

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate that the Minister might not have this data at her fingertips now, but can the Minister commit to providing Members with the total cost spent on agency nurses and locum doctors for this past fiscal year and compare that to preCOVID times showing trends over time, so providing the stats on cost spent on agency nurses and locum doctors over time?

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Health and Social Services. So noting in the Minister's statement today that one of our current initiatives is employee engagement for retention, can the Minister describe any specific retention strategy that we currently have in place that would hopefully lead us to decrease our reliance on agency nurses and locum doctors? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 20th Assembly, 1st Session (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So in trying to pinch pennies, we are costing our system dearly. Increasing hostility and miscommunication between staff and administration lead to a downward spiral of morale and an increasing spiral of costs.

Mr. Speaker, we need to put resident health care professionals at the centre of any strategy moving forward, to communicate clearly with them, to find out what they need to avoid burnout, to treat them as partners in designing a sustainable health care system. Thank you.