Jane Weyallon Armstrong

Député de Monfwi

Circonscription électorale de Monfwi

Jane Weyallon Armstrong a été élue députée de la circonscription de Monfwi à la 20e Assemblée législative des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Jane Weyallon Armstrong a été élue à la 19e Assemblée lors d’une élection partielle pour représenter la circonscription de Monfwi. 

Elle est née à Fort Rae, aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Résidant actuellement à Behchoko, aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest, son parcours a laissé une trace indélébile dans sa collectivité. 

Ayant été présidente de l’Association des femmes autochtones de 2019 à 2021, Jane Weyallon Armstrong a collaboré avec les membres du conseil d’administration sur le rapport final de l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées. Son engagement pour la cause a joué un rôle majeur dans la résolution de problèmes cruciaux. 

La riche participation de Jane Weyallon Armstrong à la gouvernance de la collectivité comprend des rôles tels que conseillère à l’administration communautaire de Behchoko (2009-2013, 2017-2021, juin et juillet 2021) et membre de l’assemblée du gouvernement tłı̨chǫ (gouvernement de consensus) de 2009 à 2013. En outre, elle a siégé à l’Office d’examen des répercussions environnementales de la vallée du Mackenzie de 2020 à 2021. 

Avec une carrière de plus de 25 ans au Conseil scolaire de division des Dogrib (aujourd’hui l’Agence de services communautaires tłįchǫ), Jane Weyallon Armstrong a eu une incidence positive sur la vie d’élèves du secondaire issus de diverses collectivités. Ses fonctions de directrice de résidence, puis de coordonnatrice, d’agente de liaison et de responsable des services aux étudiants et d’aide à la transition après les études ont mis en évidence son dévouement à l’éducation et au développement de la collectivité. 

Jane Weyallon Armstrong a fait ses études secondaires à l’École Sir John Franklin à Yellowknife, et résidait à l’Akaitcho Hall. Elle a décroché un baccalauréat ès arts avec une majeure en politique et une mineure en études autochtones à l’université de la Saskatchewan. En 1994, elle a obtenu un diplôme de travailleuse sociale au Collège Aurora, au Campus Thebacha, et en 1992, un diplôme d’assistante sociale auprès des enfants et des jeunes au Mount Royal College. Jane Weyallon Armstrong a élevé sa fille avec son conjoint et se réjouit aujourd’hui d’être la fière grand-mère d’un petit-fils. Elle s’intéresse à la couture et à la lecture et participe à diverses activités culturelles. Son engagement de longue date en tant que bénévole pour des événements de collecte de fonds et des sorties scolaires souligne son dévouement pour le bien-être de la collectivité.


Member Jane Weyallon Armstrong

Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

P.O. Boîte

Déclarations dans les débats

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you. Well, he did mention it so that's why I thought I'd ask about that.

So Madam Speaker, I wanted to ensure that I am clear, and that our people and students in the small communities are clear, about what is coming to them. How would the Minister explain to students in our small communities, how will their school prepare them to access secondary education? How does he work with their Indigenous government to prepare them for secondary education? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. This is for the Minister of ECE, Education, Culture and Employment. I wanted to thank the Minister of ECE for his response from yesterday. He responded to my question with short sentences, and I need clarification.

Yesterday the Minister mentioned that he is discussing MOUs with Indigenous government in the context of the Education Act modernization. Can the Minister explain when he started working on the MOUs with the Indigenous partners? Will these MOUs include phase 1 of the Education Act modernization, or are they about phase 2 only? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 131)

With the contract between GNWT and Poundmaker's Lodge now terminated, replacing Poundmaker's with another suitable facility based on Indigenous treatment centre is an urgent matter. What is the department doing to fast track its process in securing new options, and what do those timelines look like? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I too will not support this carbon tax, you know, especially now, especially now with my constituent many of my constituents are struggling as it is, with high cost of living and with fuel price increase in many of the small communities. So there is a lot of struggling happening right now. I know that. I am aware of that because I come from a community from small communities from a small community in the region. So this is an additional burden for my people so I will not support this carbon tax at the moment. Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Yes. If it wasn't if it didn't happen in that order, I would not have said anything. But what is the Minister's vision of how the Education Act will reflect the GNWT's commitment to reconciliation if Indigenous governments are left out from designing the legislation's modernization? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Maybe I'll be able to score points since my colleague from Kam Lake could not. Madam Speaker, can the Minister explain how the What We Heard report encouraged him to choose a phase 2 approach to modernizing the Education Act? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Mahsi, Madam Speaker, modernizing the Education Act is a big undertaking. It is ensuring we meet the needs of our students and communities. The change it can bring is powerful and will influence our society. Madam Speaker, when the Minister of ECE proposes a twophased approach to changing the Education Act, I cannot help but think still separate, still unequal.

Madam Speaker, I truly hope we are not dealing with continuing the segregation between Indigenous and nonIndigenous education. It pains me to think this way. It pains everyone who knows about residential schools and may hurt our family...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

If he knows the detail, he should share it with us. That is why we are, you know that is why I am addressing this because there is something. They know something. They should share it with us. The Minister promises a phase 2 in which his department will collaborate with Indigenous government, education bodies, and stakeholders. How is the Minister going to ensure that phase 2 will take place and proceed in a collaborative manner? Thank you.

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Yes, thank you, Madam Speaker. Thank you for the information. 1984 Alberta curriculum was introduced, because I know, I was there. So that's where I was referring to this as over 30 years, that it hasn't been it hasn't been changed. And then just recently last year, I know they were talking about it and this year they're we are adopting BC curriculum. So that's where that's what I was talking about, the legislations. So all the changes that he referred to he should share with us, put it in writing, and let the small communities in the region know about this because I just ask him a...

Debates of , 19th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 130)

Yes, thank you, Madam Speaker. I would like to acknowledge and welcome Leon Apple, originally from Gameti, and he currently lives in Yellowknife. And I would like to welcome the Arctic Alliance as well. Thank you.